Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Let the New Year ROLL on in!

Finn is 4 months old now - boy how time flies!
He had his check up the other day, and he is a healthy 19 lbs. now!!!
We just had to take some pictures of his chubbiness -
He has such fat little thighs that they hang over his knees!
He is above 95th percentile for both Height & Weight - but only 90th for head...
hopefully that will even out! We don't want him to be a pinhead!

A Little Boy Waving His Arms...

This is from a couple of weeks ago - I just thought it was funny
I looked out the door to see Kedron doing this - and asked him if he was making a snow angel (duh!)...he says, "No, Mom - I'm making a little boy waving his arms!"

I thought HP stood for HorsePower... many of you know, we've had trouble with our lawnmower - and although it's not mowing season yet, we thought we'd get a jump on things and have somebody come out and look at it.

He said we might need a couple of new hamster wheels under the hood...

(Seriously - this little squirrel has been sitting on our lawnmower all day - I hate to go out and look at what kind of mess he's made on the seat! I have no idea why he likes the lawnmower so much!)